

I grew up in a small city laden with trees and a house full of animals. Living in big cities as an adult, I sadly realised that we have moved away from nature and our roots and living a nontoxic life seems an impossible reality.

Having thus understood the urgent need of protecting our environment for all creatures and our future generations, I found a deep inclination to do my bit. Based on my experiences in the concrete jungle and the actual jungle, I want to make the world a better place by retaining what’s left of it.

Hence, I set up NatureVedas to help you implement sustainable living practices. And appreciate the ‘wild’ world a bit more.

Let’s make everything better. Let’s make it GREEN!

Green living

Consciously Sustainable Lifestyles

Through this platform, we share knowledge of Nature and conscious living with a 360-degree approach starting from education, sustainable living, prevention and protection, waste management and so on.

We are here to connect with you to bring about sustainable, environment-friendly changes in lifestyles and the world at large.

So far, we have been successful in touching the lives of 100+ families who have made small environment-friendly changes to the way they live to leave a big impact on the planet.

Our Products

Eco-friendly | Sustainable | Reusable

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Wooden Cutlery

6.5 inch wooden spoons in 1000-pack bulk packaging

₹ 240 INR

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Wooden Cutlery

6.5 inch wooden spoons in 1000-pack bulk packaging

₹ 240 INR

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Wooden Cutlery

6.5 inch wooden spoons in 1000-pack bulk packaging

₹ 240 INR

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Wooden Cutlery

6.5 inch wooden spoons in 1000-pack bulk packaging

₹ 240 INR

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Wooden Cutlery

6.5 inch wooden spoons in 1000-pack bulk packaging

₹ 240 INR

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Wooden Cutlery

6.5 inch wooden spoons in 1000-pack bulk packaging

₹ 240 INR


Walking The Path Together

We call ourselves the GREEN Consultants.

We are here to work with you on Sustainable Living Practices, Waste Management, Zero Waste, and Minimalism and help you adopt these practices at home, office, restaurants and hotels, parties, events and festivals, as well as travel.

Our Working Methodology

Individual Sessions

Training Programs

Monitoring Programs





Nature Love

We Need Nature Now More Than Ever

All of our products are made from resources that are harvested in a SUSTAINABLE way. This means that they can be re-grown and re-harvested over and over again.

We Need Nature Now More Than Ever

All of our products are made from resources that are harvested in a SUSTAINABLE way. This means that they can be re-grown and re-harvested over and over again.

We Need Nature Now More Than Ever

All of our products are made from resources that are harvested in a SUSTAINABLE way. This means that they can be re-grown and re-harvested over and over again.